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North Data Help Center
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Financial indicators
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Register information
Information about the general data included in the company profiles, such as name, address, legal form, etc.
What does the company's status information such as "in liquidation" (liq) and "terminated" mean? (✝︎)?
How is outdated and incomplete data updated?
Why some companies names are spelled differently?
Why can't I find a company?
What does location mean for persons?
What can I do if I am prohibited from using my company`s name for trademark reasons?
My address is incorrectly listed as a business address by a company. How can I change this?
What can I do if a managing director (or other legal representatives) is not listed with North Data?
How can the address, name of a company, or Corporate Purpose be updated?
How can I prevent my private address from being shown?
Are people`s titles stored?
Which of my personal data does North Data actually store, process and pass on?
Why are there so many companies available for France?