What is the difference between SIREN and SIRET ID numbers?

In France, companies get unique ID numbers for administration, taxes, and legal purposes. The main ones are SIREN and SIRET.

1. SIREN: The Unique Company Identifier

The SIREN number (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises) is a nine-digit code assigned to a company at the time of its creation. This number remains unchanged throughout the company's existence and serves as its primary identifier for administrative and legal purposes. Each legal entity, regardless of its size or structure, is given a unique SIREN number.

2. SIRET: Identifying Branches

The SIRET number (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ÉTablissements) is a 14-digit code used to identify specific branches or establishments of a company. It consists of:

  • The 9-digit SIREN number (identifying the company)
  • A 5-digit NIC (Numéro Interne de Classement), which is unique to each branch or location.


  • A company may be assigned the SIREN number: 123 456 789.
  • A branch of this company would have a SIRET number, such as: 123 456 789 00012, where "00012" is the specific identifier for that establishment.